Mar 27, 14 · When my water broke I felt a gush and thought I had peed my pants When I went to the bathroom, fluid kept coming out, it was kind of slimy, and it had a pink tint to it My contractions were 5 minutes apart within an hourMar 16, · "I was sleeping I thought I had peed on myself (At that point in my pregnancy, it would not have surprised me) I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up — only to wake up wet again minutes later Audrey was born a bit early, so I wasn't expecting my water to break for a while, but I knew I hadn't peed on myself twice" —Hatsoff21I am 38 weeks 7days and got my second membrane sweep today I was having a very bad heart burn that made me vomit While I was vomiting water came from down there and made my pants and legs wet!

How To Tell If Your Water Broke Or You Peed
How do i know if my water broke or i peed myself
How do i know if my water broke or i peed myself-My doctor of years said it happens when you have/had bacterial vaginosis Never been pregnant but feels like a bag of water burst I know women with BV who aren't sexually active so BV can impact anyone although its higher in sexually active women Dr said this "gush" of clear, watery fluid is very commonMar 30, · Most likely, you'll notice that your underwear is wet A small amount of fluid probably means that the wetness is vaginal discharge or urine (no need to feel embarrassed — a little urine leakage is

Did My Water Break Tmi W Pics August 19 Babies Forums What To Expect
Now I cannot tell if it was my water or I peed myself!Literally the worst day of my life I've never been more embarrassed but at least I can laugh about it now TL;DR I drank a lot of water and couldn't hold it in so I peed in line for an amusement park, I ran away and my boyfriend's brother told people my water brokeSep 29, 17 · How can I tell if my water broke or if I accidentally peed my pants?
Dec 19, 18 · Your water has broken and you're going to have your baby sometime in the relatively near future Most of the time, we don't see ferns and that means no SROM We see all kinds of other stuff in thereThe easiest way to determine if it is amniotic fluid or urine is to put on clean, dry underwear and a pad or panty liner Then lie down for about a half hour If the fluid is amniotic fluid, it will pool or gather in the vagina while you lie down During this half an hour, spend time gathering yourApr 13, 21 · Once your water breaks, you'll notice a continuous drip of clear or pale yellow and odorless or sweetsmelling amniotic fluid that won't let up until your baby is born You'll want to wear a pad until you can get to the hospital or birthing
Apr 03, 19 · Yup With my first i was playing a card game and leaked all over my shorts I thought maybe i peed myself Changed my shorts, resumed the game And it happened again My mw came to the house and checked me, i had what she called a "high leak" Basically my water broke somewhere other than by my cervix and it was slowly leakingHi ladies, I have a bit of situation here!The water was clear and no smell(

How To Tell If Your Water Broke Or If You Just Peed Unfrazzled Mama

Is My Water Broken Tricks To Know A Life In Labor
Jun 11, 18 · One trick to try to tell if your water has really broken is to do the "stand up" test If you stand up and notice that the fluid seems to leak more once you're up,This happened to me and my water had broken and I was having contractions I couldn't feel I legit just thought I peed myself lolSometimes, your midwife may break your waters for you to induce or speed up your labour This is known as artificial rupture of membranes (ARM) There's no need to worry about your waters breaking But get medical advice straight away if your waters break and you are less than 37

How Do I Know If My Water Broke Or If I Just Peed Myself Pnw Doulas

How Long Can You Wait To Have A Baby After Your Water Breaks Popsugar Family
When you are pregnant and your water breaks (membranes rupture), you may have a sudden gush of fluid running down your legs but often, you will just have a trickle or slow leak, or your underwear will feel wet When you just have a leak, it may be hard to tell the source of the fluid Knowing the difference between the possible sources can sometimes help you decideMar 27, 18 · (If you're wondering how to tell if your water broke or you peed, that's how I really knew – I couldn't make the fluid stop coming out like you can when you pee) It did let up enough that I tried to stand and wash my hands after a bit, but then even more came gushing out Now in terms of what to expect when your water breaks I will say"Water broke at 2 am thought I peed myself Didn't feel any contractions till I got to the hospital and I was laughing Did some stuff around the house before going to the hospital cause I felt fine My husband was rushing me to get in the car, then a while later had 2 babies" Heather B "My water brokeI put on a Depends, went back

How Do I Know If My Water Broke Doulas Of Bellingham

Pop Goes Your Amniotic Sac Aka Water Breaking 101 Allbodies
May 26, 17 · Ok, this article has been mostly about things that you need to do when your water breaks, but I am going to tell you one that you should not do Do not have a romp in the sack I know, people out there are reading this and wondering why on earth a woman would want to do this when their water has just brokenFeb 13, · When my patients call to tell me they have a small amount of leaking and are unsure if their water has broken, I tell them to fully emptyJul 29, · Sign #1 The Leaking is Uncontrollable When her water breaks, a woman may feel a gush of amniotic fluid, or she might only notice a slow

Did My Water Break Tmi W Pics August 19 Babies Forums What To Expect

Matraea Centre Did My Water Break Or Did I Just Pee
Feb 15, 14 · Now trying to tell if that is what happened or if it could be my waters So far I'm not having any contractions, but I've been up only about minutes I was up twice in the night to pee, and peed after I got up and found myself wet, so I wasn't emptied out, but this hadn't just happened either as it was basically my temp and not warmerJun 07, 18 · I know One way to get a better idea is by putting on a pad or pantiliner If the membranes have actually ruptured, your pad or pantiliner should become damp or wet over time since fluid will continue to leak If the fluid you felt was urine, presumably it will stop once your bladder is emptiedOct 17, 17 · This set me up for quite the ride when I thought my water broke, but I had really just peed myself instead What even is life What even is life Late at night in my 39th week of pregnancy, I got

That Moment My Water Broke While I Was Having A Facial At Placecol You Baby And I

I Thought My Water Broke But Alas I Just Peed Myself Oreally1omonths Omg Tell Me I Am Not The Only One This Has Ever Happened To Meme On Me Me
Nov 18, 12 · I grabbed my phone and googled "how do I know if my water broke or I just peed on myself?" As is often the case, the internet did not have a solid answer (100 comments on a Baby Center message board all from women with completely different experiences doesn't exactly instill a feeling of certainty), so I changed my clothes and got back in bedGo right there, wetting feels good I'll get in line, if I pee myself I'll be embarrassed though I'll stay in this line until I explode Get in line, if I pee myself it's fine Okay, now wait until you really have to pee After that, let out your pee, with clothes still on, and only stop when you want toHey Ladies, So I was rolling myself out of bed to go pee for the 10th time tonight/morning and I think my water brokeI soked my underwear and pants and there is a little spot on the bed but not a big one I then went to the bathroom and peed I know I peed then I had a few odd dribbles while sitting there and now nothing I dont think I peed myself b/c there was alot and I had peed about

Did My Water Break Family Magazine

Help I Don T Know If I Peed Or If My Water Broke Reply With Ways To Tell If I Peed Or My Water Broke
Apr 02, 06 · We've got another one that made it!Feb 27, · While it's impossible to know exactly where you'll be when your water breaks (if it breaks!), it shouldn't be an event that we fear Believe it or not, only about 810% of pregnant women experience their water breaking before they go into labor, and only 1 in 10 of those women experience a big surge of waterA hahahahahahhahahahaah i like this storysteal the panties woman!!!!ive peed my pants before at a friends housethats really all you can door you can say you spilled stuff on your pantslike lemonade,and throw a fit (a fake one) and throw the pants awayborrow some pants and panties and voila!problem sovedthis is the coolest question

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How To Know If You Re In Labor Real Stories From 15 Moms Life By Lee
May , 16 · To know if you peed or your water broke, you may need to enlist the help of your ears When the amniotic sac bursts, there is a popping sound, according to Baby Center Many women have reportedMay 14, 21 · I thought my water broke, but I think I just peed myself How am I going to explain this to my class?When your water breaks it will constantly leak out of you for a while You will most likely know for sure When my daughter was born my water broke while I was sleeping and I woke up thinking I peed myself but then when I got up out of bed more fluid leaked out and I knew it wasn't pee

9 Women Explain What It Feels Like When Your Water Breaks

How Can I Tell If My Water Broke
I still don't know if there are anymore, but she seems to be doing OK so no worries We'll just let her take her time, unless she starts to seem panicked or uncomfortable She seems quite content though, as do the 2 kittens (though the first kitten is totally jealous of moms attention already!If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device Videos you watch may be added to theApr 05, 21 · Amniotic fluid is WATERY, it's not thick and it isn't normally bloody (but can have streaks of blood or mucus, that's normal) If you do gush blood, you need to get yourself to the hospital, and if it's a LOT you need to call 911, but amniotic fluid smells kind of like a public pool

Did My Water Break Family Magazine

Did My Water Break Or Did I Just Pee My Pants Blog Midnight Labyrinth Birth Services
Feb 06, 18 · Was it my water or I peed myself?Aug 25, 12 · Urine can leak and not feel like you peed your pants I a was in labor with my third walking from triage to my room (long sorry as to why I was walking) and I said oh, I think my water just broke Got me settled, checked me and Dr said nope, you're water didn't break and I said, great, I guess I peed myself, how embarrassing ha haFeb 25, 21 · When my water broke with my first, the best way I can always think to describe it is the feeling when you have a clot you may pass on your period You can feel it, it's a gush, and even with squeezing you can't stop it It's a lot less fluid than you see in the

How To Tell If Your Water Broke Or You Peed

Water Breaking All Your Questions Answered Mother Rising
Up these Apple Airpods Pro for an absolute steal right now appeared first on In The KnowNov 12, 19 · A physical exam and test for amniotic fluid will let you know if your water broke I was still not sure if my water had broken when I went to the hospital Based on my description, the nurse didn't really seem convinced my water had broken either My contractions were relatively mild and I was actually expecting them to send me right back home just before the test forJul 07, · ODOR Amniotic fluid is typically odorless If your waters break and there is a foul odor, contact your provider right away Puppy Pads serve their purpose in the event your waters break prior to your hospital arrival Place one, or two down on the seat of your car

I Thought My Water Broke But Turns Out I Just Peed Myself By Love Other Nugs Medium

9 Women Explain What It Feels Like When Your Water Breaks
Jun 21, 19 · Followers 1 Today I was so busy so I can't do my pee challenge So I will just share the first time I peed myself here Sorry for the bad grammar _______________ I was about 10 years old Me and classmates had to sleep (like take a nap after lunch) at school I just done with my lunch, got some foods and milk, I also drank a lot of waterJun 27, 17 · I had the exact opposite happen My water broke and the nurse swore I just peed myself Up until this FML, I've spent 8 years trying to figure out if pregnant women just pee themselves and not know No one would ever admit it happened to them And I only had one and never had that issue So, thanks for clearing that mystery upDefinitely call maternity services!

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How Can I Tell If My Water Broke Or If I Accidentally Peed My Pants Youtube
Put a pad on, and montior it if it was your water (my guess more likely pee, i pee when i throw up, thanks kid, lol) you will keep leaking Add Friend Ignore wilde_mommy 4 kids;Aug 23, 11 · The scent of the fluid could be an indicator If your water broke it has no odor and should be clear You may have just peed it happens Anyway, if you keep having more fluid, then perhaps that can be your indicator!May 14, 21 · So, on August 22, three weeks before my due date, I had just gotten students settled and begun to take attendance when I leaned over, grabbed hold of my desk and gasped, "I think my water just broke" The students stared at me

Going To The Hospital Because I Thought My Water Broke But Really The Baby Kicked Me

How To Tell If Your Water Broke Or You Peed The Moms At Odds
11 yrs ago today I was freaking out like a psycho, nesting and cleaning like a maniaclittle did I know that in a few hrs I would think I peed myself, only to later realize my water broke, drive MYSELF to the hospital, (because I was freaking out about not being in control and I wouldnt let the hubby drive),eventually getting induced, and 24hrs and one giant vacuum extractor later giveNov 15, 17 · Here, nine women explain what it felt like when their water broke 1 "The big break felt like I had a water balloon in my crotch and somebody just poked it with aJun 11, 18 · If there is a gush or trickle of warm fluid that continues to leak when you move or change positions, it is most likely your amniotic fluid and your waters have broken If you are not sure, make your way to the bathroom and put a fresh pad or

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Columbus, Ohio 3459 posts Oct 10th '12 lay down for awhile and when you go to stand up it should happen again if it's your waterMar 25, 10 · With my first, my water didn't break until I was well into labor, but I know moms whose water broke days before the baby came With my second pregnancy (twins) it felt like a water balloon "popped" and then it all gushed out, but they were breech so nobody's head was there to act as plug

Did My Water Break Quiz The Game Of Leaking Amniotic Fluid

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How To Tell If Your Water Broke Or You Peed The Moms At Odds

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How Do I Know If My Water Broke Or If I Just Peed Myself Pnw Doulas

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I Thought My Water Broke But Turns Out I Just Peed Myself By Love Other Nugs Medium

Real Moms Water Breaking Stories

Yep Totally Just Peed Myself Babybumps

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Help Me Did My Water Break Or Did I Pee Myself Babycenter

Did My Water Break Or Did I Just Pee On Myself

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How To Tell If Your Water Broke Or You Peed

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