Doom, Doom 2, Half Life 2, Wolfenstein New Order, Hard Reset, Painkiller (any of them) any of them with decent singleplayer Tribes Ascend Just kidding, that game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard A good first FPS IMO is Half Life 2Dec 14, 16 · Recommended November 27, 16 Oregon Trail meets zombies has been done before, but this adds more to the formula and has some fantastic audio design and pixel art $1999 Recommended November 27, 16 Super Metroid will probably never be released on Steam, but this game is just as good as any of those games and feels great to play!Nov , · Objectively speaking, it's amazing how Super Smash Bros has become the competitive juggernaut that it has in the fighting game community This is because, at its core, Super Smash Bros is one of the most beginnerfriendly fighting game franchises around RELATED Super Smash Bros Ultimate 10 Secrets You Missed In The World Of Light Map Unlike

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